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FAQ Recruitment


How do I register to receive applications?


  • Simply enter your general details in our contact form.

  • Please tick the option "I am an employer" and enter your company category(ies). Then please accept the privacy policy.

  • Optionally, you can tell us which positions you are currently looking for in the Message field.

  • We will then send you a message giving you an insight into our conditions.

  • There are no costs or obligations for you until now.


How does the recruitment process work?


After your registration, we will contact you personally to record your requirements and employee conditions. We will then search for or present suitable candidates for you. You will receive messages from us in news letter format with a corresponding view of the applications.

If you are interested in a candidate, simply follow the instructions in our message and we will arrange an interview, subject to availability and mutual interest.


I like the candidate. What happens next?


As soon as you have agreed on the conditions and the start date with the candidate, please send us a short message confirming the recruitment. We will also contact you and ask how the interview went.

We have no influence on the terms of the contract.


The candidate is not a good fit for us. Will I be presented with new offers?


We will continue to present you with candidates until you declare the job search closed.


The candidate has worked with us for 2 weeks but does not fulfil our expectations or the candidate has resigned of his/her own accord. Can I get a replacement?


If a candidate does not fulfil your expectations within 4 weeks of starting work or if the candidate resigns within this period, we will continue to send you further suitable offers.

This regulation applies to 1 new search per failed candidate for a maximum period of 2 months.

This regulation does not apply to work agreements with a time limit of less than 2 months.

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